Details of Industrial Pickaxes (Auto-smelt Pickaxes!)
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Industrial Pickaxes (Auto-smelt Pickaxes!)
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Industrial Pickaxes adds some pickaxes with a special ability at their disposal, inspired by the Zenith Forge from Keybrands+.
They can smelt whole bars from ores, the chance is based on how many ores it takes to smelt a bar, the less ore needed, the better the chance.
There is a catch of course, they're much more expensive than ordinary pickaxes and are considerably slower, plus they can't smelt alloys of the same or a later tier.
For an example of what an industrial pickaxe can do, the Blazing Molten Pickaxe can smelt Copper/Tin, Iron/Lead, Silver/Tungsten, Gold/Platinum and Cobalt/Palladium (etc), but not Hellstone since it's an alloy of the same tier as the pickaxe.
There are Industrial Pickaxes for pretty much every tier starting with the Enchanted Pickaxe, which can be bought from the Merchant after defeating the Eye of Cthulhu, all the way to the endgame.
Adds several new pickaxes that can smelt bars from ores
It even has mod support!
Currently supported mods...
- Shadows of Abaddon (Solus Flarium Pickaxe and Draconic Asthraltite Picksaw + Ores)
- Calamity (Viridescent Blossom Pickaxe + Ores)
- Thorium (Ores Only)
- Mod of Redemption (Experimental Nano Pickaxe + Ores)
- Elements Awoken (Master Manipulator Only)
- Spirit Mod (Ores Only)
- Qwerty's Bosses and Items (Ores Only)
- Ultranium (Ores Only)
Next planned mod: Polarities
Support for mods will be added one by one. (But in some special cases, multiple may be added)
Let it be known that the more you demand support for a specific mod, the more it'll be delayed. (Well not really, but it's very annoying)
The same goes for demanding support to be rushed, we'll take as much time as we need, no more no less.
Support for just about every mod that have pickaxes and ore are already planned.
As for what pickaxes will be industrialized, we only have plans for those obtained post-Moonlord.
They must be a considerable upgrade from Lunar tier. (So tools like the Terrarium Canyon Splitter or the Gallant Pickaxe won't be supported, since you get them shortly after Moon lord, and Industrial Celestial Pickaxe already exists for that purpose)
This mod pairs very well with Veinminer, just make sure to have the tool equipped while veinmining, otherwise remaining ore will drop as normal.
Ideas and sprites - DirgeofSwans
Code and Master Manipulator sprite - ChemAtDark
Some bug fixes and code cleaning - GoodPro712
Help with multiplayer compatibility - CrazyContraption
Glowmask helper - Qwerty
Version History:
[+] Added a much more convenient way to apply the Industrial prefix to standard pickaxes, sold by the Merchant
[-] Removed the ability to obtain the Industrial prefix via reforging
[~] Updated amount of ore required to smelt Auric Ore to match its new conversion rate since Calamity 1.5
[~] Fixed a bug that would cause the mod to not work after a reload
[~] Added a config option to shorten the world entry message
[~] Adjusted Experimental Nano Pickaxe recipe, it no longer requires cyberscrap or KS3 drops, instead using their respective Mk3 counterparts
[~] Updated some of Loreholder's quotes
[~] Fixed mod-specific pickaxes not loading for whatever reason
[~] Whoops, forgot to change some decription stuff
5.0.0 - Rewarded Patience
[+] The smelting system has been revamped, using the new system backported from 1.4 Industrial Pickaxes! This doesn't affect gameplay, but it DOES have a significant boost on code performance and efficiency, which is always nice
[+] Finally added support for multiplayer! Took long enough...
[+] Added a prefix available to all non-industrial pickaxes that will allow you to smelt ores, with the same drawback of being slowed down
[-] Removed support for Ancients Awakened, a soul for a soul
[~] Cross-mod pickaxes are now unloaded if the respective mods are not enabled
[~] Enchanted Pickaxe and its skins now emits particles on swing
4.8.0 - Tying Up Loose Ends
[+] Added a new skin for the A.C.D.E. and Violet Thaumaturgy
[+] Added the Enchanted Pickaxe, a new prehardmode industrial pickaxe, bought from the Merchant after the Eye of Cthulhu is defeated
The Enchanted Pickaxe is now the first industrial pickaxe you can obtain, no more waiting to get the Blazing Molten Pickaxe!
[+] Added the Steampunk Excavator, a new hardmode industrial pickaxe, bought from the Steampunker after any mechanical boss is defeated
The Steampunk Excavator bridges the gap between the Blazing Molten Pickaxe and Graceful Chlorophyte Pickaxe
[~] Fixed a multiplayer issue with the A.C.D.E.
[+] Added support for Qwerty's and Ultranium
[~] Avali Manipulator got
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