Details of Hardmode Potions

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Hardmode Potions
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Hardmode Potions increases the potency of some potions after Wall of Flesh, Plantera and Moonlord are defeated, makes some tooltips more informative, balances a couple vanilla potions and adds a few potions I felt fit in Terraria.

The aim of this mod is to make potions more useful in Hardmode. What is 8 defence from an ironskin when your current defence is well over 130? Why is the archery potion so dang good and where's the bullet equivalent?

Vanilla potions changed: Ammo Reservation, Archery, Battle, Builder, Calm, Endurance, Fishing, Gravitation, Heartreach, Inferno, Ironskin, Lifeforce, Magic Power, Mana Regeneration, Mining, Obsidian Skin, Rage, Regeneration, Shine, Summoning, Swiftness, Thorns, Titan, Warmth, Wrath

Potions added:
Piercing - Increases armour penetration
Sentry - Increases the number of sentries you can have
Levitation - Allows you to hover in the air
Ballistic - Archery, but for guns
Berserker - Increases melee damage and swing speed
Grave - Teleports you to the location of your last death
Leap - Increases jump height and enables auto-jump

For a full list of all changes, check the forum page

Planned content and known issues:

-Levitation potion causes you to fall if you walk into a block
-AlchemistNPC combination potions aren't compatible
-AlchemistNPC buff from piggy bank does weird stuff with Inferno Potion

Version 1.4:
- Tweaked lots of potion effects, check the forum post for a full list of changes
- Potions last longer. 25% increase after Wall of Flesh, 50% increase after Plantera, 75% increase after Moon Lord
- Shine and Calm potions and buffs no longer have changing tooltips, though their effects will still change
Version 1.3:
- Added more potion tiers post Moon Lord
- Tweaked Grave Potion so that you can use it any amount of times after dying and removed time limit to use the potion
- Fixed a bug making post Plantera calming potion endless
- Fixed a bug giving players vanilla inferno buff and post plantera inferno buff
- Fixed typos in some buff tooltips
- Improved icon with a border from Typhlosionater, creator of Ty's Yoyo Redux
- Cleaned up the source code
Version 1.2:
- Levitation no longer prevents you from levitating on trees
- Improved some potion and buff tooltips to be more informative
Version 1.1.1:
- Added to Github, Added icon
Version 1.0:
- Released
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