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Ultra Vanity Sets
Download v1.3.7.3 (357.5 KB)

Bonnie :3

This mod is the Ultimate mod as it will contain alot of characters from different Universes and Such.
Right now there around 35 characters in play with 2 dev sets!

Note: In order to obtain the characters youll need an Anvil, and 75 wood for at least one full Vanity Set.

We hope you enjoy the mod! :D

New Update - Added Pibby from Learning with Pibby, her phase 3 form. And also a new Original Character named Goo! ^w^

Pets unfourtanetly are taken out. I lost all the source data containing all the pet code and since pets are a pain to code I will for now have to scrap them out of the mod.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Yoyos Expanded
Download v1.3.7.3 (85.1 KB)


Yoyos Expanded adds 25 new (high quality ;) ) yoyos into the game to fit within the vanilla progression.
If you have any tips on how I can make the mod better, please comment them on the mod's homepage!

Finalized all yoyo sprites and completely resprited the Devil's Advocate.

Added motion blur (like the Kraken) to some of the yoyos and also changed their sizes.

Tweaked a couple yoyo sprites and completely resprited the true yoyos.

Version 1.3.7
Resprited all yoyos and their projectiles (again)!

Fixed description error

Version 1.3.6
Adds new yoyo - Try killing some red devils -- Also tweaked True Hallowed Yoyo's sprite

Buffed the Solar yoyo

Resprited the newest yoyo

Version 1.3.5
Adds new yoyo - Try killing some harpies

Version 1.3.4
Adds new yoyo - Try crafting it with some meteorite bars

Version 1.3.3
Fixed True Night's Throw projectile

Version 1.3.2
Adds new yoyo - Try killing the twins a few times

Version 1.3.1
Resprited both True yoyos

Version 1.3.0
Made both True yoyos and the Terra Throw shoot out particles

Version 1.2.9
New yoyo! - Try crafting it with some solar fragments

Version 1.2.8
The fourth Art Update? - I lied. Touched up all sprites.

Version 1.2.7
Fixed some reforging issues

Version 1.2.6
Also also the Art Update! - Redrew all yoyos and their projectiles - this should be the last art update

Version 1.2.5
Also the Art Update! - Tweaked all yoyo sprites and changed icon

Version 1.2.4
Changed Hellfire's name to Hell's Swing to distinguish it from the Hel-Fire

Version 1.2.3
The Art Update! - Added new sprites for most yoyos

Version 1.2.2
Adjusted some yoyos' stats

Version 1.2.1
Description changed

Version 1.2
Added homepage

Version 1.1:
Fixed wrong recipe for platinum yoyo

Version 1.0:
Finalized icon

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Races of pb
Download v1.3.7 (722.1 KB)


Races of pb is a pretty cool mod,
featuring mods from the hit game "Platform Battles" on roblox featureing


More races subject to being added along with balancing changes most races arent balanced to others this
mod may or may not ruin vinalla by making you far more powerful than you need to be early game or just
all of the game
(need to work on pixel art right now race pictures are of the races from the actual game)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Dr. Neo Cortex
Download v1.3.6.2 (36.2 KB)


Dr. Neo Cortex

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Supreme Weapons Mod
Download v1.3.6 (48.4 KB)


Supreme Weapons Mod adds some supreme versions of weapons that either have it's original purpose augmented(Vehemence is supposed to deal extreme damage in a single hit, and Supreme Vehemence instakills anything it touches) or amplified(Supreme Soul Piercer), or I found quite funny and just made it for fun :P

Reminder that OP weapons are to be expected

WARNING! The projectile fired by Supreme Vehemence will crash the game if it hits perforator hive when the large worm is out(even calamity's devs dunno why)

Note: all instakills will not work on segments of worm bosses, and may not work on some worm bosses' tail segment

1.0 - introduced mod
1.1 - made sup vehemenc break dummies, as well as bypass several bosses' anti butcher properly and make them drop loot
1.2 - Sup Vehemenc is now able to one shot blazing wheel and spiky ball, whom even tome of greater manipulation/psychedelic prism can't damage iirc
1.2.2 - fixed a glitch that caused sup vehemenc to be unable to one shot invincible bosses in boss rush
1.2.3 - fixed said glitch to be unable to kill several more bosses in boss rush and doesn't show up the correct damage number, and gave it infinite piercing
1.3 - Renamed mod to Supreme Weapons Mod and added Supreme Soul Piercer
1.3.1 - fixed a bug that caused npcs to ignore the damage taken after changing max life value
1.3.5 - added The True Storm and Halibut Cannon EX
1.3.6 - added The Hurricane

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Calamity Polish Translation
Download v1.3.6 (2.2 MB)


Polskie tłumaczenie Calamity Moda

Na wstępie chciałbym podziękować:
Fabsolowi za pozwolenie na wykonanie tłumaczenia,
Skyshadowowi, twórcy hiszpańskiego tłumaczenia za pomoc z rozpoczęciem prac,
Uncle Danny'emu, administratorowi serwera Calamity Mod na discordzie za pomoc i możliwość pośredniego kontaktu z Fabsolem,
Wszystkim osobom które wyraziły chęć pomocy w tłumaczeniu Calamity, a na ten moment są to:
Alvaro De Blanco

a także całej polskiej społeczności Terrarii za używanie mojego tłumaczenia i czekanie tyle czasu.

Po ponad roku przerwy wróciłem do tworzenia tłumaczenia. Z góry przepraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych graniem w Calamity Moda po polsku którzy musieli tyle czasu czekać, aż pokonam swoje lenistwo.

Podjąłem decyzje, by zączać pisanie moda od początku, więc zajmie to trochę czasu, jednak dzisiaj przychodzę do was z modem, oferującym szczątkowe tłumaczenie Calamity Moda.
(W obecnym momencie tłumaczymy tylko rzeczy, których na 90% nie będzie obejmować następna wielka aktualizacja Calamity, by ominąć konieczność przepisywania ponad połowy linijek tekstu, przez zmiany w statystykach itp.)

Tłumaczenie obejmować będzie całego moda, od NPC i bossów, przez itemy, aż po buffy i debuffy.
Jeśli znalazłeś błąd lub chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu napisz do mnie na Discordzie: Kamelowy#2307

Miłej gry!

Dowiesz się poniżej!


- Poprawa wielu tłumaczeń
- Poprawki literówek
- Kilkanaście nowych tłumaczeń
- Poprawki tooltipów

- Ponad 70 Tooltipów
- Eutroficzne Meble
- Kosmilitowe Meble
- Botaniczne Meble
- Poprawa kilku tłumaczeń

- Masa nowych przedmiotów
- Poprawki starszych tłumaczeń (Dzięki HybridDeath!)

- Ponad 100 przedmiotów

v. 1.3.1
- Aktualizacja opisu tłumaczenia

v. 1.3.0
- Pełna optymalizacja kodu tłumaczenia
- Linijki kodu: 1441 => 581
- Waga kodu: 116 KB => 38 KB

v. 1.2.6
- Meble

v. 1.2.5
- Ściany
- Buffy/Debuffy (33%)

v. 1.2.4
- Bloki

v. 1.2.3
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.2
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.1
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2
- Wszystkie barwniki
- Wszystkie farby do włosów
- Wszystkie rudy
- Wszystkie materiały (sztabki, drewno etc.)

v. 1.1
- Większość NPC/Bossów Pre-Hardmode
- Wszystkie akcesoria zaczynające się na literę "A"




Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Universe Of Bows Mod
Download v1.3.6 (2.6 MB)


The Universe of bows mod adds:

-52 Bows
-4 Accesories
-2 Potions
-62 Items
-11 projectiles
-1 Wing
-2 Town NPCs
-1 Hostile NPC

*This mod is associated with the Universe of Swords mod by gnom.*

**Visit Discord for more!**


-Mod Published

-Icon added

-Icon bug fixes

-Bug fixes, The Cthulu bow now consumes ammo
-Spelling mistakes
"The Galaxy of special thanks"
"The Destroyer's Bow"
"Skeletrons's Bow"
"The Twin's Bow"
"Mechanical Bow"
-Changed the drop chanches of "Infinite flight matter" to 50%
-Buffed the moon bow
-Projectile currently disabled to a bug
-Changed the sprite of "BowMatter"

-Bug fixes

-Changed the description of "The Galaxy of special thanks"
-Spelling mistakes

-Moon Bow now deals 1200 damage instead of 734
-Moon Bow now shoots a custom projectile with any arrow

-More custom projectiles
-Mechanical bow now has got a custom porjectile
-Archer Town NPC added

-Bug fixes

-Homepage added
-Added "Blossom Bow" The Blossom Bow shoots Homing petal arrows
-Resprited the Mechanical Arrow
-Added the Archer(Town NPC) Spawns after king slime is defeated
-Added homing Petal Arrow
-Added Some sounds
-The mod name is now red
-Changed description
-deleted unnecessary code

-Added a real homepage

-Resprited EVERY bow

-Resprited the moon bow and mechanical bow
-The Archer npc sells more stuff now
-Added a bow called "EcoBow", can be bought from the Archer
-Added a music box
-Added some more sounds
-Homepage updated
-Resprited "Bow matter"

-Resprited "Skeletron Bow"

-Added the "Party Zombie" The Party zombie spawns at night with a 0.58% chance
-Fixed sprite bugs
-Fixed the unlimite money bug

-Added the "Black and White" hostile NPC, spawns in the underground
-Added the german Town NPC, spawns after King Slime is defeated
-Added "Bratwurst" Item
-Changed "Music box"

-Added the Bow Bow
-Nerfed some enemies
-The Black and white monster only spawns in the underworld(Hell).

-The mechanical bows now drop

-The Cthulhu and Duke bows now drop

-Added Meow Bow
-Added Pure Phoenix Bow
-Bug fixes(ALOT)
-Code cleanup

-Added "Ale bow"
-Added "Bone bow"
-Added "Enchanted bow"
-Added "Greedy bow"
-Added "Dirt bow"
-Resprited all potions
-fixed all potions

-Bug fixes

-Added "Dog bow"
-Added "Rocket Repeater"
-Added "Mini Bow"

-Added "Heaven's wrath"
-Added "Hell bow"
-Added "Heaven bow"
-Added "Fish Bow"
-Added "Skull Crossbow"
-Added "Cat bow"
-The Ale bow is now obtainable
-Bug fixes

-Buffed some Bows
-Bug Fixes

-Added "Mana Bow"
-Added "Ruby Bow"
-Added "Diamond Bow"
-Added "Wyvern Bow"
-Added "Strange Bow"
-Added "Pink Gel Bow"
-Bug Fixes
-Buffed some Bows

-Added propper multiplayer compatibility

-Changed the sprite of the Moon Bow
-Some Recipes are now harder

-Bug fixes

-Wyvern Bow Projectile fixed

-Bug fix with tmodLoader V.0.11.1 fixed

-Downgraded to tmodloader V.

-Added "Hunter Emblem"
-Fixed Multiplayer compatibility
-Fixed projectiles
-Damagae balancing

-Minor bug fixes

"Bow Emblem Tier 1"
"Bow Emblem Tier 2"
"Bow Emblem Tier 3"
"Star Bow"
"Spore Sprayer"

-Bug fixes

-Code cleanup

-Nerfed some bows
-bug fixing
-buffed some bows

-Minor bug fixes

-Balanced some bows
-Minor bow offset issues fixed

-Removed not finished bow I accidently left in

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Bekajis Mod
Download v1.3.5.3 (8.7 KB)

Пи3дец я кто

Sex Boys

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
More Things (In Progress)
Download v1.3.5.3 (16.4 KB)


This Mod Adds More Weapons To The Game.

It's My First Mod So It's Pretty Bad.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.3.5.3 (18.7 KB)


TheModTheOfThePeachesThe is a pretty cool mod, it has peaches and lots of swords!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
uno reversecard
Download v1.3.5.3 (7 KB)


1 new item

uno reverse card is fun to use and its just a meme

OMG guys 150 download i never thought that would happen thank you guys so much!!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Time To Mess Around
Download v1.3.5.2 (7.7 KB)


Time To Mess Around is a pretty cool mod, it adds a new sword:
- The MooCowSword

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.3.5.2 (16.2 KB)


Keinos mod is a vanilla expansion mod
(no new ores/tiles yet)
(no new world generation)
Only new craftable items for your journey!

V1.0: Added the Keinos sword - A post moon lord beast of a melee weapon
Craft it at a demon altar with:
1 Terra Blade
1 Influx Waver
1 Broken Hero Sword
10 Luminite Bars

V1.1: Added 3 new "True" swords. Combine any of these three swords with a
broken hero sword at a demon altar and they will become their "true" version:

Blade of Grass
Breaker Blade

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
HP Awareness
Download v1.3.5.1 (36.1 KB)


This is a simple client-side mod that contains:

-Hurt and low HP overlays

-Player HP bar

-Audio and visual indicator above you whenever potion sickness wears off

-Debuff indicators above you whenever you obtain a debuff

Every feature can be disabled or changed to your liking in the config.

Suggest/report features and bugs through Github (homepage), preview images also available there.
-Added more clarification on using debuff lists
-Added little note on Fargo's Mutant Mod in config

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Raptor's Forge
Download v1.3.5.1 (143.6 KB)


This is my first mod.
If you wish to assist in textures or simply have something to report or wish to add,
please message me on Discord at Corgi#9712

TO COME (Hopefully)
-Zombielike NPC (will drop some special vanity)
-Town NPC (Custom Shop with another armor set [or fragments of] and custom currency)
-Various accessories (I require I D E A S, I want at least 8
-Several tiles for building. (Ideas appreciated)
-And More! (Once again, I'd appreciate it if you, the one reading this, is involved)

--Remembered to add Desert King Fork crafting recipe.

--Added Desert King Fork
---Armor sprites for same set didnt work properly and armor is annoying, expect them tomorrow.

--Fixed Mirinite spawn rates, decided it was too plentiful

--Added Hermes Armor (Sprite credit goes to Protechol, who contacted me and voluntarily made sprites.)

--Minor fixes

--Added Mir's Core to custom chest loot (hopefully,) for now the Servant of Norik npc still drops the item.

--Added Servant of Norik, an enemy npc. It drops the Mir's Core item, though this is just so the item
is obtainable for now.

--Added Mir's Core pet item. Cannot currently be found anywhere or have any real purpose.
---Use Cheat sheet or similar mods to obtain the pet.

--Modified minimum pick value for Mirinite...again...

--Apparently mod icon was being very uncooperative with size. I have fixed it successfully.

--Added mod icon.

--Fixed layer level Mirinite spawns on as well as its frequency and size of blob.

--Im an idiot. forgot to give Mirinite the proper minimum pick value.

--Woops!! Forgot to change method for Mirinite, causing it to fail to gen. Fixed!!

--Added new ore: Mirinite
---New armor, slightly better than gold.
---New tools, same as above.
--Fixed rarity level to better match game progression.
--Fixed Raptor's Waraxe (Technically a hamaxe but sh,) to have better power.

--apparently ore generation broke when I balanced the armor. It's fixed now.

--Changed the armor damage multiplier to balance it better, no longer doubles damage.
--Raptor's Hood buffs function now.

--Added set bonus to armor
---Hood refuses to accept buffs given (supposed to increase magic damage, add
shine and spelunking effect)
---Helmet adds shine effect, increases melee damage
---Chest piece increases melee damage and speed
---Legs increase movement speed

--added armor,tools,ore,ore gen, wings

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Spaz's Extra Recipes
Download v1.3.5.1 (78.1 KB)


This mod intends to add recipes for items that are lacking them. It adds new items to craft items with, and some recipes using vanilla items.
Adds an NPC to sell you ores so you don't have to spend all day mining.
Adds an NPC to sell boss summons

Voodoo Dolls Stack (from 1.4 Alpha)

Added Alternate summons for bosses
Mutant now sells Truffle Worm post-Duke Fishron
Fixed Mutant sprite glitch
Added more Mutant quotes
Removed free Mutant items
Added more Mutant names
Fixed Mutant quotes
The Mutant now goes to neither King nor Queen Statues
Fixed Mutant naming system

Added Mutant NPC
Updated description

Miner now teleports to King Statue
Miner drops new weapon, Flying Pickaxe
Fixed typos
Updated description
Added Tally Counter recipe
Changed Depth Meter recipe to be more akin to it's original recipe (Anvil rather than Table and Chair)
Stone is now free
Miner no longer sells stone
Fixed bug related to stone costs (Did not work)
Removed wire from Depth Meter and Compass recipes
Increased all ingredient amounts in Metal Detector recipe
Increased amount of Gold/Platinum in Compass recipe

Changed name back to Spazs Extra Recipes
Fixed bugs with alternate recipes
Increased number of Shurikens and Throwing Knives made from one bar
Added Depth Meter and Compass recipes
Added basic Miner arm animation
Stone is now worth 60 copper
Fixed the bug that made the Miner walk backwards

Added 13 new Miner names
Added 10 new Miner quotes
Fixed a typo in a Miner quote
Miner now sells Cobalt, Palladium, Mythril, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Titanium, and Chlorophyte Ores
Fixed the order of ores in the Miner's shop
Miner damage now scales throughout the game
Miner now sells Luminite???
Added Miner walking animation
Changed name of mod
Changed Lunar Glass rarity
Fixed Miner shop glitch

Replaced Metallic Shard with Lead Shard and Iron Shard
Resprited Stardust, Lunar Glass, and Jungle Cluster
Edited description
Updated to new version of tModLoader
Added Enchanted Sword and Magic Quiver recipes
Added Bug Net recipe
Added Rod Of Discord recipe
Added Shuriken and Throwing Knife recipes
Added Fast Clock, Megaphone, Metal Detector, Nazar, and Radar recipes
Added Cobalt Shield, Muramasa, Blue Moon, and Aqua Scepter recipes
Added Gold Chest recipes
Added Mandible Blade recipe
Added Miner NPC
Fixed typo in the changelog

Changed the name of the mod
Resprited the Metallic Shard
Resprited the Tundra Clump
Remade the mod icon
Resprited the Jungle Clump
Renamed Jungle Clump to Jungle Cluster
Removed Planned Features section from the description
Added GitHub Authorization
Added icon
Updated description to 1.2
Updated to the Steam version of tModLoader
Removed the icon because it was bugged

Renamed Jungle Materials to Jungle Clump
Renamed Metallic Materials to Metallic Shard
Added Changelog to description
Added Planned Features to description
Changed Jungle Clump tooltip to "From the depths of the Jungle, Used to make several items"
Added in Tundra Cluster
Added recipe for Ice Boomerang
Added an icon
Added Sickle
Added recipe for Ice Sickle, Ice Blade, Ice Mirror, and Magic Mirror
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing (Bug did not fix)
Fixed a bug that prevented the description from showing (Bug did not fix)

Added Metallic Materials

Added Jungle Materials

(Accidently Skiped)

Included Stardust and Lunar Glass

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Easier Bars
Download v1.3.5 (57.7 KB)

It Is Coco

Easier Bars changes the vanilla resource bars for easily readable bars with sliding animations.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Waypoints Better
Download v1.3.5 (66.8 KB)


Craft waypoints and place them anywhere across your world. You can place up to 13 waypoints. Press the wand in the bottom left corner to choose what waypoint to teleport to or click the potion button to give Wormhole Potions.

1.3.0 Update:
- Fixed issues with different resolutions
- Added a give wormhole button in the menu
- Minor performance improvements
- Keybind "K" to open menu

Thanks for over 5000 downloads, wasn’t expecting that. Quick apology for how shit the mod is, was only meant for me and my mates to use so it’s filled with issues. I may fix them when tmodloader upgrades to 1.4 and I can implement the already existing waypoints. But until then, enjoy this broken mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Lethargicism mod
Download v1.3.5 (29.3 KB)

LethargicTHEguy, Chernob…

Just a project i decided to start, if you download this... why?


v1.3.5: added the mini gun, a cheat weapon, basically

v1.3: added the phaser warper

v1.2.1.2: VERY VERY minor things

v1.2.1: VERY minor things

v1.2: added a plethera of new things to swing, like the chipped gladius, and the wood-ER sword, NEW GUN: bow-gun, and updated textures too!

v1.1: debuffed some weapons that were too powerful for that point in the game

v1.0 mod got released!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Goose Goofs Mod
Download v1.3.5 (575.8 KB)

Goose Roy

This mod is a bunch of goofy things that I feel like making, it is a W.I.P. and consists of just weapons so far. Recent update consisted of multiple changes and additions.

Changelogs are always available on the forum page.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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